Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive
作者: 薛明玲 日期: 2009-04-28 00:00
本文取自PwC Passion! 電子報
With no sign of economic recovery on the horizon, corporations and competitors abroad continue to announce unpaid vacations, pay cuts and even mass layoffs. At PwC Taiwan, though, thanks to your unstinting efforts, we are striding towards the goals we’ve laid out for ourselves, turning crisis into an opportunity to boost our competitive strength, and becoming a truly distinctive professional organization.
The future is still full of challenges, and the key to facing what lies ahead with complete confidence is for colleagues to put the PwC Experience into practice in our daily work. I am very happy to report, via the Passion ePaper, on the period just passed, on what we’re doing for the PwC Experience, and on the expectations we have for colleagues to continue making the PwC Experience a reality.
- We invest in relationships
PwC Taiwan is a member of society, so it is our obligation to act as good corporate citizens. That is a commitment we make in the pursuit of business continuity, and it is why we do our utmost to invest in our relationships with stakeholders. At the end of last year, I asked partners to hold “CEO’s Talks” with our clients’ decision makers in the hope that, through face-to-face interviews and listening attentively to clients’ views, we can let clients fully understand our promise to stand shoulder to shoulder with them and meet challenges together. At the same time, despite the weak economy, there has been no reduction in PwC Taiwan’s commitment to fulfilling its social responsibilities. We are continuing to devote our resources and efforts to corporate governance, social involvement, environmental protection and other aspects of corporate social responsibility. - We share and collaborate
Knowledge sharing and team collaboration are keys to the continued growth of professional institutions. Over the last several months, on issues of concern to the public like strategic thinking in a downturn, international financial accounting standards (IFRS), corporate governance, green tax systems and international taxation. PwC Taiwan has stepped forward to offer its views and play a thought leadership role, by hosting seminars, disseminating studies, putting out publications, holding CEO’s Talks, and so forth. In the future, PwC Taiwan will continue to promote global, regional and local resource sharing and cooperative exchanges, including two-way (inbound and outbound) personnel exchanges and study. - We put ourselves in each other’s shoes
Mutual understanding, based on seeing things from the other side’s point of view, is the first step towards good communication. As providers of professional services, we must understand our clients’ ideas and expectations, and colleagues must listen attentively to the voices of others. Together, we must strive to build an excellent work environment that emphasizes quality and efficiency, and promotes healthy attitudes toward life. At the same time, we should continue to introduce and build up systems that help colleagues raise their work efficiency, better manage their tasks, and assess their own performance and development potential, in the sincere wish that every colleague can have the best possible career development. - We focus on enhancing value
PwC’s core values are excellence, teamwork and leadership. When confronting severe economic challenges, it is more important than ever to go back to basics. Whether in terms of organizational culture, business models, talent cultivation or performance evaluation, we must break through the traditional frameworks, use innovative thinking, focus on boosting PwC’s core competitive strengths, and create corporate value and advantages that leave our competitors behind.
Being a part of PwC is something to be proud of, and I hope all colleagues will continue taking active steps to realize the PwC Experience. So let’s role up our sleeves, everyone, and use our enthusiasm and innovation to overcome all future challenges.

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摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://anapa-alrosa.com.ru/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=RamiroNany
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://anapa-alrosa.com.ru/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=ServinKarolyn
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://glaskasten.org/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=16000
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://sukko.com.ru/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=MiraTowns
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://caradaftarayams128.com/index.php?action=profile;u=7090
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.hockeyforums.org/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=123109
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://vancouvertutoringservice.com/index.php?action=profile;u=4330
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://forum.nobletronics.com/index.php?action=profile;u=78866
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://shihan.com.ru/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=CarnahanNed
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://canhchimviet.free.fr/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=Leola75660
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://kjwit.ac.th/webboard/index.php?action=profile;u=2939
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://tsw1.home.pl/poligon_5/index.php?action=profile;u=376057
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.diclelife.com/tartisma/index.php?action=profile;u=54637
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.aniene.net/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=StropeRaymundo
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.pdelite.org/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=147231
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://vancouvertutoringservice.com/index.php?action=profile;u=4553
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://rabbijonathan.org/index.php?action=profile;u=13935
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://lasix3.us/index.php?action=profile;u=3775
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://returngain.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=24496
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.craksracing.com/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=MoretonAnh
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.hockeyforums.org/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=123230
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.hotelforrest.ru/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=KleinTrisha
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://continent.anapa.org/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=HeplerSheree
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://kjwit.ac.th/webboard/index.php?action=profile;u=3342
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://questrecruitment.com.au/ra.asp?url=http://blogs.netoo.com/cgi-bin/cache.cgi%3Frec_id=15232336
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://returngain.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=24729
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://litdevelopments.com/devseo/index.php?PHPSESSID=513018208bdd42785a59587e18a20462&action=pr
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://returngain.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=24994
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.goldenanapa.ru/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=PAXDewitt
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.hit-forum.info/index.php?action=profile;u=40839
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.hit-forum.info/index.php?action=profile;u=35885
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.hockeyforums.org/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=45393
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://forum.ls-territory.net/index.php?action=profile;u=179650
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://rabbijonathan.org/index.php?action=profile;u=13879
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://smfpt2.smfpt.net/index.php?action=profile;u=43631
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://ffskybbsjp.azurewebsites.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=6306741&do=profile&from=space
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://mercedesturkey.com/index.php?action=profile;u=296909
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://yunke029.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=512249&do=profile&from=space
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://smfpt2.smfpt.net/index.php?action=profile;u=41407
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.pirate4x4.no/ads/adclick.php?bannerid=29&zoneid=1&source=&dest=http://dlibrar
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://anapa-alrosa.com.ru/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=BobbKandace
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.goldenanapa.ru/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=KaurMax
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://sleepyjesus.net/board/index.php?thememode=full;redirect=http://hamas.opoint.com/%3Furl=http:/
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://sumabura.s4.xrea.com/cgi-bin/uiui/fantasy/fantasy.cgi?&&refurl=http%3A%2F%2Fhttp://ww
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://voltes.net/da-ring/bbs/yybbs.cgi/bbs.cgi?&t=1399771248&s=http://codingsky.com/jump/aH
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.pdelite.org/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=146818
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://rabbijonathan.org/index.php?action=profile;u=11494
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://smfpt2.smfpt.net/index.php?action=profile;u=41653
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.teensexenergy.com/cgi-bin/a2/out.cgi?id=116&l=toplist&u=http://hamas.opoint.com/%
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s706/client/snv?noteGuid=2db23a32-144e-3da7-1f8f-9f5585e2125d¬
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連結: http://www.hit-forum.info/index.php?action=profile;u=68004
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.hit-forum.info/index.php?action=profile;u=68072
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.hotelforrest.ru/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=GrishinChester
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://mercedesturkey.com/index.php?action=profile;u=294928
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://rantsforchange.ca/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=126684
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.craksracing.com/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=DethridgeGerma
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://forum.yawfle.com/index.php?action=profile;u=66623
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://litdevelopments.com/devseo/index.php?PHPSESSID=949f002c04aa413928936ef980ce8f85&action=pr
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.goldenanapa.ru/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=ByersKristen
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://satbh-dz.com/?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=2063682
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://en.afrashmfg.com/Default.aspx?tabid=59&userId=1726
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.1stanapa.ru/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=KelloggDenisha
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://cowon.mix-connexion.com/index.php?action=profile;u=1029
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.diclelife.com/tartisma/index.php?action=profile;u=53719
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://logoloop.co/index.php?action=profile;u=32695
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.craksracing.com/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=GibbColleen
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://bbs.tanwanly.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=618055&do=profile&from=space
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://rapidactionprofits.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=112270
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://aquaomega.net/index.php?action=profile;u=20364
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://anapa-alrosa.com.ru/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=HarpoleDonette
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.retro-gaming.co/index.php?action=profile;u=25449
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.greenescortsinkolkata.co.in/index.php?action=profile;u=5444
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.craksracing.com/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=DallachySally
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.hit-forum.info/index.php?action=profile;u=57516
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://anapa-alrosa.com.ru/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=MelvinEdith
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.anapapansion.ru/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=HedditchDemetr
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://forum.yawfle.com/index.php?action=profile;u=82189
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://forum.nobletronics.com/index.php?action=profile;u=76633
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.craksracing.com/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=EbersbachGale
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://websitekan.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=4203
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://cowon.mix-connexion.com/index.php?action=profile;u=962
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.ankarac.com/index.php?action=profile;u=5900
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://mercedesturkey.com/index.php?action=profile;u=294792
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://turbomaxturbos.com/?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=1804482
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://rapidactionprofits.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=114424
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://rapidactionprofits.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=114485
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://doceo77.com/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=7567
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://www.ravenhawksmagickalmysticalplaces.com/discussions/index.php?action=profile;u=21511
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://rapidactionprofits.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=114517
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://smfpt2.smfpt.net/index.php?action=profile;u=41797
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://forum.nobletronics.com/index.php?action=profile;u=58394
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.craksracing.com/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=TuckerSpencer
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://bbq-grill-recipes.com/index.php?action=profile;u=1657
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://kafecoin.com/index.php?action=profile;u=10699
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://www.qiurom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=243010
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://olm.nicht-wahr.de/mybb/member.php?action=profile&uid=1775409
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.hit-forum.info/index.php?action=profile;u=32979
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.hit-forum.info/index.php?action=profile;u=49517
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://vetearii.free.fr/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=HutchersonAnton
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://astravo.net.ru/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=CabenaMarvin
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.lagrandefamiglia.it/html/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=Hoinv
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.aniene.net/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=BasalduaStephaine
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.shineovice.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=1250
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.hockeyforums.org/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=44940
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://rantsforchange.ca/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=126927
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://rapidactionprofits.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=111288
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://smfpt2.smfpt.net/index.php?action=profile;u=47444
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://www.qiurom.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=284687
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://cc.naver.jp/cc?a=dtl.topic&r=&i=&bw=1024&px=0&py=0&sx=-1&sy=-1&am
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://ozarkstalk.com/showthread.php?17318-Im-happy-I-now-signed-up&s=813574e06384daef146919efdd
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.luckyclan.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=114879
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.youxi2020.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=811760&do=profile&from=space
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://litdevelopments.com/devseo/index.php?PHPSESSID=637f170fe19d4c6cfb7d58d67293c8bf&action=pr
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.hockeyforums.org/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=40794
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://boogtime.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=0irabq0e455je6mhfcs9i9rs57&action=profile;u=193996
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://www.epicwin77.com/games/index.php?action=profile;u=326928
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.luckyclan.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=114495
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.hockeyforums.org/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=39551
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://rftitanforge.com/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=9579
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://rantsforchange.ca/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=146166
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://litdevelopments.com/devseo/index.php?PHPSESSID=a68f8b15650877206a1dd1b250a77648&action=pr
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://exterminatorsouthflorida.com/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=Kandy
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://forums.fullbytehosting.com/index.php?action=profile;u=120
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://xajm168.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=75092
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://ffskybbsjp.azurewebsites.net/home.php?mod=space&uid=6277205&do=profile&from=space
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://fahl.uk/index.php?action=profile;u=102535
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://aroundsuannan.ssru.ac.th/index.php?action=profile;u=794013
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.hit-forum.info/index.php?action=profile;u=50555
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.hit-forum.info/index.php?action=profile;u=48442
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://exterminatorsouthflorida.com/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=Vasey
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.zakupki.bashkirenergo.ru/bitrix/redirect.php?event1=news_out&event2=2fiblock/75ac4.pd
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://exterminatorsouthflorida.com/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=BergC
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://smfpt2.smfpt.net/index.php?action=profile;u=41124
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.relaxclips.com/cgi-bin/atx/out.cgi?id=61&tag=toplist&trade=http://orangegate.s4.x
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://rantsforchange.ca/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=126688
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://forum.yawfle.com/index.php?action=profile;u=66813
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://forum.nobletronics.com/index.php?action=profile;u=63795
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://smfpt2.smfpt.net/index.php?action=profile;u=41117
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://rantsforchange.ca/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=145081
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://rantsforchange.ca/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=167059
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://forum.yawfle.com/index.php?action=profile;u=65237
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://forum.nobletronics.com/index.php?action=profile;u=57430
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.luckyclan.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=114937
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://turbomaxturbos.com/?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=1524210
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://forums.fullbytehosting.com/index.php?action=profile;u=46
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://mypicvideo.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=33065
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://returngain.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=14471
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://litdevelopments.com/devseo/index.php?PHPSESSID=c0ba97e0c8a69a3d26ab8865fd6980fa&action=pr
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.pdelite.org/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=186410
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://exterminatorsouthflorida.com/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=Samir
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://fahl.uk/index.php?action=profile;u=130715
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://www.physics-s3.org.uk/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=61i0ct20bh2ai3v9ooinpcdqd1&action=profil
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.hockeyforums.org/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=40103
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://forums.fullbytehosting.com/index.php?action=profile;u=10
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.kmdshine.com/space.php?uid=2408&do=blog&id=6918
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://schulprogramm.roseggerschule.de/index.php?title=American_footbal_super_jar_Xliv_Prop_gamblin
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://xajm168.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=53696
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.craksracing.com/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=GoslingJacelyn
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://mys33.s33.xrea.com/cgi-bin/joyful2ch/joyful2ch.cgi/contact.php?amp&rvnl=wpcpground.php%3F
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://Www3.Tok2.com/home/himetsuki/fantasy.cgi?&con=000901
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://mys33.s33.xrea.com/cgi-bin/joyful2ch/joyful2ch.cgi?page=1&
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://appdev.163.ca/dz163/home.php?mod=space&uid=3335217&do=profile
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.chen2578.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=185886&do=profile&from=space
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.aniene.net/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=BurgesLavern
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://bbs.yunweishidai.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=789403
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://troop1054.us/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=27592
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://aquaomega.net/index.php?action=profile;u=10799
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.usagoldentour.com/index.php?mid=tour_mentoring_example&document_srl=505715
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.usagoldentour.com/index.php?mid=tour_mentoring_example&document_srl=501074
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://xajm168.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=49491
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.maoxinwz.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=467173&do=profile&from=space
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://www.nofordnation.com/index.php?action=profile&u=330064
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.craksracing.com/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=HallowellAnnis
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.brq520.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=304226&do=profile
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://rantsforchange.ca/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=127678
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://www.neighboru.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=960802&do=profile&from=space
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.soulmta.infora.hu/index.php?action=profile;u=329956
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.maoxinwz.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=467943&do=profile&from=space
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://www.ravenhawksmagickalmysticalplaces.com/discussions/index.php?action=profile;u=15727
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.aniene.net/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=DeatonMarcos
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://ferolak.hu/?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=3992
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.craksracing.com/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=PakEzra
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.usagoldentour.com/index.php?mid=tour_mentoring_example&document_srl=438919
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://mercedesturkey.com/index.php?action=profile;u=268379
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.guaji333.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=585783&do=profile&from=space
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://blog.tibetcul.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=633771&do=profile
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://xajm168.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=47401
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://rantsforchange.ca/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=127361
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://logoloop.co/index.php?action=profile;u=16075
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.ilevis.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=678567&do=profile&from=space
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://bbs.cnction.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=208059&do=profile&from=space
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.usagoldentour.com/index.php?mid=tour_mentoring_example&document_srl=400932
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://smfpt2.smfpt.net/index.php?action=profile;u=38037
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://forums.draininggroundwaterforum.org/index.php?action=profile;u=260326
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.hockeyforums.org/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=30705
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.craksracing.com/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=DudleyDong
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://shihan.com.ru/modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=userinfo&username=AlbrechtVeronica
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.gizoogle.net/tranzizzle.php?search=cc.bingj.com%2Fcache.aspx%3Fq%3Dsite%3a.com%2b%22JawaN
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://tw.8fun.net/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=603105&do=profile&from=space
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://tsc-saarlorlux.de/forum/member.php?action=profile&uid=31199
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.usagoldentour.com/index.php?mid=tour_mentoring_example&document_srl=381642
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.usagoldentour.com/index.php?mid=tour_mentoring_example&document_srl=409811
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://xajm168.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=46919
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://bbs.zhichiwangluo.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=5254246&do=profile&from=space
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://spyep.com/index.php?action=profile;u=512617
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://gamegamma.com.tw/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=286432
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://86x.org/home.php?mod=space&uid=177142&do=profile&from=space
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.usagoldentour.com/index.php?mid=tour_mentoring_example&document_srl=415360
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.lucky2045.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=215099&do=profile&from=space
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.pdelite.org/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=122531
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://forum.yawfle.com/index.php?action=profile;u=62637
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://www.usagoldentour.com/index.php?mid=tour_mentoring_example&document_srl=405885
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://forum.yawfle.com/index.php?action=profile;u=40669
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: http://br.ghostzone.site/foro/index.php?action=profile;u=339426
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網
連結: https://www.ravenhawksmagickalmysticalplaces.
連結: https://www.google.com/maps/dir/The+Water+Heater+Warehouse/Pomona/@33.8685091,-117.9462412,9.74z/dat
摘要: Putting the PwC Experience into Practice–our commitment to being distinctive - 學習成長 - 老薛智識網